Friday, May 15, 2020

Experimenting with Prologue Chronicles book cover color change

Also during making the new Chronicle covers, I thought about trying to fix an issue that readers often get confused with as to which book one should start reading at for the Conqueror of the Sun series.

Long story short: Conqueror of the Sun - Book 1 - Seed of an Orchid is where first-time readers should start the series and then continue in numbered order 1 through 5.

Even though chronologically speaking the two Prelude books come before the main 5 book series, it is actually better if you read Book 1 through 5 first before returning to the background story. At least this is the way the series was designed to be read.

As to a little more detailed background on why I changed the color covers for the Prologue Chronicles books, originally, way back when I formed the series concept in high school it was always going to be the main 5 books from the beginning. However, later I started to ask myself what was happening before book 1 started, which would specifically be in relation to the two main characters of the entire series: Shawn and Sabrina Arc.
So, at this point, the series was going to be 6 books long. But, with no shortage of ideas, years covered, and content I wanted to do, eventually, it became clear that the Prelude to Destiny story would need to be split into two books. The reason for this was mainly for my own set rule for page length for each book of the main series to be between 300-500 pages. I set this standard for my own psychological viewpoint on if I was to try reading a new book, ideally I would not want to/be less likely to pick up a novel over 500 pages. Not that I haven't read novels/books over that length, but at least it seemed the best marker range in my opinion.
After the two Prelude to Destiny books were completed, they each ended up being over 400 pages, so clearly I had to split them.
Now, for most of the development of this 7 book saga and before being published, I had always numbered each book starting from the Prelude book.
Thus, the original plan looked like this:

Conqueror of the Sun - 01 - Prelude to Destiny - 1st Light
Conqueror of the Sun - 02 - Prelude to Destiny - 2nd Light
Conqueror of the Sun - 03 - Seed of an Orchid
Conqueror of the Sun - 04 - Mass Conspiracy
Conqueror of the Sun - 05 - Reign of Terror
Conqueror of the Sun - 06 - Queen's Chaos
Conqueror of the Sun - 07 - The IIIrd Tear

This is the correct chronological order to the main series, but I always intended readers to start with Seed of an Orchid as the series is designed to be read from first. However, once getting close to publishing, I realized that even though I, as the author, knew exactly where to start; someone discovering the saga would not know the best place to begin and would most likely just go to Conqueror of the Sun - 01 - Prelude to Destiny - 1st light without reading the foreword or back cover descriptions.
I always had "disclaimers" plans to make the read order clear in the foreword. But I quickly realized this would not be enough. Luckily, while talking to a friend that already knew I had a number of other Chronicle sub-series planned, he suggested I turn the Prelude books into their own Chronicles series. I definitely thought this would help lessen confusion as to where to begin, but really, I also always wanted the two Prelude books to be a tightly connected part of the main 5 book story.

So, this is why, originally, I removed the two Prelude books from the numbered series and gave them a Chronicles title of "Prologue Chronicles". But, in order to give the unspoken idea of these two background stories still being a part of the main saga for the Conqueror of the Sun series, I wanted to keep them the same color as the 5 book main story.

However, I have found there is still confusion as to where to start reading the Conqueror of the Sun series, which probably is result of making all 7 books the same color.
My hope is that giving the two Prelude to Destiny books their own color code (as per dividing up the rest of the side storybook chronicles sub-series types) will help resolve this issue.

Following are the new look of the two Prelude books for the Prologue Chronicles:

Currently, the eBook versions have already been uploaded (although it will take a while to update on Amazon). Next, I plan on doing the paperback versions as well.

Incidentally, the color code for each Chronicle series (including the main saga) is meant to be related to each type:
Main 5 book series: Black and Red for the exact representation of the IRF flag/symbol.
Prologue Chronicles: Orange to represent a rising sun as it comes before the main story.
W.A.R. Chronicles: Ideally, using Black and Red for the IRF flag would have made most sense...but...since that color scheme is already used in the main 5 books, I decided to simply reverse the color scheme. Red is also supposed to relate to blood which should be an obvious metaphor for the more war orientated content of this Chronicles sub-series.
Alternate Light Chronicles: Yellow as in relation to "Light".
Memory Chronicles: Blue as to be reminiscent of the sky in relation to if someone was lying down on the ground and looking up and remembering pass moments.
D.A.R.K. Chronicles: Grey to fit in with the theme of "Darkness".
Ice Sanctuary Chronicles: Light Blue to invoke the idea of "ice".

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