Sunday, December 29, 2019

With the Main 7 book series of the Conqueror of the Sun now fully done and published in both paperback and eBook (and also a day's rest), I have started to turn my focus to work on the many planned side book stories.

Although I can't know where inspiration will take me in order to know which side book I will finish first, most likely it will be Conqueror of the Sun - Severed Galaxy as it already is at least halfway complete with over 170 pages. Besides just really enjoying the story myself, this side book will be quite important and unique compared to most of the other side novels.

Most of the Conqueror of the Sun side stories take place during one of the 7 main books. In fact, 20 out of the 23 planned novels take place in the same time frames as the base story. However, Severed Galaxy is a yet mostly untouched time period for the series. The tale takes place during the time mentioned at the epilogue of Conqueror of the Sun - Book 4 - Queen's Chaos as to give a detailed account (and not just a few lines) of the IRF attack on Earth and the start of the Galactic Civil War.

Other likely candidates for being the first side book finished first or at least the next one after Severed Galaxy are Conqueror of the Sun - The Dead Doll Princess (which takes place almost immediately after the end of Severed Galaxy) or Conqueror of the Sun - And It Lasted 100 Hours, which as mentioned in Book 5 - The IIIrd Tear is Shawn Arc's attack on the Atlon homeworld.

On a somewhat related topic, I feel I should explain that each side book falls under a predetermined style of story which I divide into "Chronicle" sets. Although all books will always have a lot of "story" and character interactions, those novels listed under the W.A.R. Chronicles and as the name implies will have more action scenes in the form of battles and combat. Contrasting to this, the Alternate Light Chronicles will have very few to none "war" type scenes and instead focus on character development and interaction stories.

And although I enjoy both style novels, hopefully this category system will assist readers in deciding which side book they may want to try reading once the number of side book stories increases and are published.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Paperbook version of the Conqueror of the Sun series now on sale

All 7 Conqueror of the Sun paperback books are up for sale officially now on Amazon! eBook versions probably won't be out until Jan. 2020.

I have just submitted the paperback versions for all 7 Conqueror of the Sun main series books for Amazon's review process. As soon as that is completed, they will be available for purchase, which Amazon says may take up to 72 hours. This, of course, assumes Amazon doesn't ask for any corrections.

In any case, once the paperbacks are live, the price per book is at $12 USD. Which the price for paperback was much higher than I expected. However, according to Amazon's system, for the paperback versions, I will only be making an average of $1 USD royalty per book... I say average because the royalty changes according to the number of pages in each book.

Although I have stated before that the eBook versions will be $3.99 each, I feel I might change this is $4.99. The reason for this has nothing to do with wanting higher royalty to compensate for the paperback versions as I honestly don't care much about making money off my stories. Instead, I am considering this to make them slightly less "attractive" in regard to the price difference between paperback and eBook. This is because, ideally, I consider the paperback versions to be the superior versions of the storybooks.

This is also why the paperback versions will be available before the eBook versions. In addition to this, I want to get a feel for Amazon's review process before submitting the eBooks.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

I just ordered another set of paperback proof copies for all 7 books with new cover design. Once I get it, if I think it looks good, I'll submit it for publishing. So, all 7 books should be available either end of Dec. or for sure in Jan. 2020.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The main 7 book series is now 100% complete and ready for submitting

Today the entire 7 book Conqueror of the Sun main series paperback version is 100% complete, with PDF files already created and uploaded to Amazon. The only thing that remains is to finish up the book covers, and then create an ebook version.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

While working on doing the final read-through on the final book for the 7 book series, I got inspired to create yet another side story for the Conqueror of the Sun series.
From the original idea to brainstorming for less than an hour, I was able to construct the entire scaffolding of the plot for the recently birthed novel.

This new book will be part of the Alternate Light Chronicles and take place during The IIIrd Tear era. The story will be entitled "Conqueror of Sun - Path to Death"

This brings the entire series to an even 30 books now. That is the plan at least, whether I can make all of them in reality is a different issue...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Slightly changed the dock color to more how I imagined it.

Also, I have finished the final grammar run on all 7 books now.

The next steps are:
1) Format the novels for ebook version
2) Format the novels for paperbook version
3) Finalize book covers
4) Publish

Not sure how long this process will take, but my rough guess is 1-3 months to be ready to publish.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

I made a scene of the two main characters of the Conqueror of the Sun series in Daz Studio. Shawn and Sabrina Arc. This scene is actually in the 2nd Prelude Book and was meant to be the original cover design.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


01. Q: What is the Conqueror of the Sun series about?
      A: This is a synopsis for the series as a whole in book "back cover" format:

          The Conqueror of the Sun series a seven-book epic saga that has been 30 years in the making. The story is about a man named Shawn Arc and his desire for power and control beyond anything achieved in human history so far. The story takes place in an alternate timeline that starts in the 1990s and extends far, far into the future. Arc’s ultimate goal is to conquer the world into a single empire under his organization, the IRF or International Rebellion for Freedom. Shawn Arc is willing to do anything to achieve his goals, whether it be by deception, conspiracy, war, betrayal, or on the backs of millions of dead. At the same time, the story shows that Shawn Arc is also about love, romance, and intimate relationships. Can this man be both monster and human? Or is he merely a larger than normal mirror to reflect the essence of the human condition?

02. Q: What is the chronological and intended read order of the main 7 book Conqueror of the Sun series books?

Intended Read Order:
              01. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 1 - Seed of an Orchid
              02. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 2 - Mass Conspiracy
              03. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 3 - Reign of Terror
              04. Conqueror of the Sun - Prelude to Destiny - 1st Light
              05. Conqueror of the Sun - Prelude to Destiny - 2nd Light
              06. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 4 - Queen's Chaos
              07. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 5 - The IIIrd Tear
Chronological Read Order:
              01. Conqueror of the Sun - Prelude to Destiny - 1st Light
              02. Conqueror of the Sun - Prelude to Destiny - 2nd Light
              03. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 1 - Seed of an Orchid
              04. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 2 - Mass Conspiracy
              05. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 3 - Reign of Terror
              06. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 4 - Queen's Chaos
              07. Conqueror of the Sun - Book 5 - The IIIrd Tear

03. Q: What is your avatar about?
It is meant to represent the two main characters of the series Shawn and Sabrina Arc during the end of the second prologue chronicles book: Conqueror of the Sun - Prelude to Destiny - 2nd Light

04. Q: What is the timeline of the series?
Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny - 1st Light = 9 years (1993-2002)
Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny - 2nd Light = 3 years  (2002-2005)
Conqueror of the Sun – 01 - Seed of an Orchid = 1 year (2005-2006)
Conqueror of the Sun – 02 - Mass Conspiracy = 9 years (2006-2015)
Conqueror of the Sun – 03 - Reign of Terror = 2 years (2015-2017)
Conqueror of the Sun – 04 - Queen’s Chaos = 9 years (2017-2026)
Conqueror of the Sun – 05 - The IIIrd Tear = 15 years (2759-2774)

05. Q: When is the 7 book main series to be published?
Current projection is for Nov./Dec. 2019, but most definitely by early 2020. This means all 7 book will be published on the same day.

06. Q: How will the 7 book main series of Conqueror of the Sun be available?
The intention is to first only have the series on Amazon ebook and paperback versions.
Later, I would like to do audiobook versions and perhaps a wider platform base as well.

07. Q: How long is the story/novels?
The seven main books, including the two prologue books, are an average of 400 pages each, with the total series coming to 2700+ pages and 700,000+ words.

08. Q: How much will each book cost?
Amazon ebooks will be $3.99 USD. Paperback price is unknown yet as they may cost a bit more due to the length of each novel.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Finished first cohesion run for book 3 today. 2 more books left.

Also finalized the IRF Symbol look.

Credits for IRF symbol:
Original Concept: Jason Marcus Torraunt
Finalized design Artwork: Zaharia Geanina-Maria

Monday, August 26, 2019

Finished first cohesion/error check run for first prologue books + first main book. Now, 1/3 done with book 2.
Added two new books that may or may not ever get done for the series:

Alternate Light Chronicles
The IIIrd Tear era
 13. Conqueror of the Sun - Strychnine Trip

Ice Sanctuary Chronicles
New Flower era
29. Conqueror of the Sun – Infinity Suns

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Slight restructure of series, added 2 new books, completed first draft of 7 main books

Today, I completed all the planned chapters for the first 7 main books of the Conqueror of the Sun series.
From here is there is a lot of proof-reading and editing that needs to be done, in which some new chapters might be added to or pop up as new ones. However, basically, the entire story is roughly completed. It is a really good feeling to even reach this point after so many years working on this 7 book series.

Following is the updated full series list for The Conqueror of the Sun series:

Conqueror of the Sun Series
Conqueror of the Sun Main 5 book Series
01. Conqueror of the Sun – 01 – Seed of an Orchid
02. Conqueror of the Sun – 02 – Mass Conspiracy
03. Conqueror of the Sun – 03 – Reign of Terror
04. Conqueror of the Sun – 04 – Queen’s Chaos
05. Conqueror of the Sun – 05 – The IIIrd Tear
Prologue Chronicles
06. Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny – 1st Light

07. Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny – 2nd Light
Alternate Light Chronicles
08. Conqueror of the Sun – The Atrocities of Dr. Abraham Nivel
09. Conqueror of the Sun – Riot
10. Conqueror of the Sun – Dim Light
11. Conqueror of the Sun – To the Highest Honor
12. Conqueror of the Sun – Distaste
13. Conqueror of the Sun – Strychnine Trip
14. Conqueror of the Sun – DDK#37
15. Conqueror of the Sun – Elixir of Life
16. Conqueror of the Sun – Rain’s Second Vision
Memory Chronicles
17. Conqueror of the Sun – Shawn and Sabrina Arc: The Untold Stories
18. Conqueror of the Sun – A Girl Sent to Hell
19. Conqueror of the Sun – Orchid's Petals
W.A.R. Chronicles - (War Account Records)
20. Conqueror of the Sun – Black Sun
21. Conqueror of the Sun – Zero Light
22. Conqueror of the Sun – Winter Storm
23. Conqueror of the Sun – The Last Mission
24. Conqueror of the Sun – Severed Galaxy
25. Conqueror of the Sun – Star Tide
26. Conqueror of the Sun – And It Lasted 100 Hours
27. Conqueror of the Sun – No Hope
D.A.R.K. Chronicles – (Dark Arc Ritual Kindred)
28. Conqueror of the Sun – The Dead Doll Princess
Ice Sanctuary Chronicles

29. Conqueror of the Sun – Infinity Suns

The list was restructured for a number of reasons, one being that I put all the side story chronicle series in chronological order for their respective era. Another being that even though the two Prelude books are meant to be a part of the main 7 book series, in the interest of readers discovering the series, Seed of an Orchid should be the first book read. Finally, two new book concepts were added with an entire new chronicles series added as well.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The current list of planned Conqueror of the Sun series:

Even though in some ways I didn't want to release all the titles and subtitles for the Conqueror of the Sun series yet, I figured it is probably a good idea simply for public records purposes.

Conqueror of the Sun Series

01. Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny – 1st Light
02. Conqueror of the Sun – Prelude to Destiny – 2nd Light

03. Conqueror of the Sun – Seed of an Orchid
04. Conqueror of the Sun – Mass Conspiracy
05. Conqueror of the Sun – Reign of Terror
06. Conqueror of the Sun – Queen’s Chaos
07. Conqueror of the Sun – The IIIrd Tear

“Alternate Light” Chronicles
Seed of an Orchid
08. Conqueror of the Sun – The Atrocities of Dr. Abraham Nivel
Reign of Terror
09. Conqueror of the Sun – Riot
10. Conqueror of the Sun – Dim Light
Queen's Chaos
11. Conqueror of the Sun – To the Highest Honor
The IIIrd Tear
12. Conqueror of the Sun – Elixir of Life
13. Conqueror of the Sun – Rain’s Second Vision
14. Conqueror of the Sun – DDK#37
15. Conqueror of the Sun - Distaste
Memory Chronicles
16. Conqueror of the Sun – Shawn and Sabrina Arc: The Untold Stories
17. Conqueror of the Sun – A Girl Sent to Hell
W.A.R. Chronicles -- (War Account Records)
Reign of Terror
18. Conqueror of the Sun – The Last Mission
19. Conqueror of the Sun – Zero Light
20. Conqueror of the Sun – Winter Storm
21. Conqueror of the Sun – Black Sun
The IIIrd Tear
22. Conqueror of the Sun – No Hope
23. Conqueror of the Sun – Star Tide
24. Conqueror of the Sun – And It Lasted 100 Hours
25. Conqueror of the Sun – The Galactic Civil War

So, as of now, the entire Conqueror of the Sun series is planned to be 25 books. Although, the main series is only 7 books with 2 of those 7 being prologue/background story. The main series book 1-7 is chronological order, but the intended read order is meant to be: Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, go back to Book 1, Book 2, then continue as normal with Book 6 and then finish with Book 7.

As far as side books go, there are 3 main categories: Alternate Light Chronicles, which are mostly focused on a different perspective from the main story. The focus on these stories is more charactered based as compared to W.A.R. Chronicles which have more of a war and battle focus while still having a lot of character development. Finally, Memory Chronicles are a series that basically doesn't fit into either category.